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Associate Director Vacancies

Notice of Associate Directors Vacancy

The San Benito Resource Conservation District (SBRCD) Board of Directors is comprised of five directors who oversee conservation programs that promote erosion control, water quality protection, invasive species removal, watershed restoration, wildlife habitat enhancement, and other projects. The SBRCD is non-regulatory. Through information, education and technical assistance, the District works in partnership with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and other partners to help landowners and managers voluntarily implement conservation practices on their properties. 

The SBRCD is currently seeking applicants with farming experience (row crop, vineyards and/or orchards) or other natural resource conservation experience to serve as Associate Directors. Associate Directors do not  vote on board matters, but can attend meetings, serve on committees, and provide the district with extra expertise. 

Serving as an Associate Director is an excellent opportunity to help shape current and future conservation efforts in San Benito County.

Candidates must work or reside within the district and should possess an interest or knowledge in conservation and be familiar with natural resource problems and opportunities in San Benito County. 

This is a volunteer position and requires regular attendance at District meetings held once per month in the evening, and occasional special meetings and events.  

Questions and Submissions should be directed to:

San Benito Resource Conservation District
Attention: Karminder Brown
2337 Technology Parkway, Ste C.
Hollister, CA 95023

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